MOTUL: A collaboration with Flying Tiger Motorcycles
Our shop has had its fair share of notoriety in the past due to our clean custom builds, vintage repair, trendy shop decor, our prevalence for dogs (ironically no cats), for our "World Famous" 2 Stroke Smoke Candle. Recently, it seems we have transcended to a level beyond as we fulfill a collaborative agreement with none other than the legendary and technologically superior MOTUL Performance Lubricants.
Motul reached out and asked if we could create a candle centered around their flagship products the 800 2T two stroke oil and the ever popular 300V performance oil. Of course we were never going to say no to the opportunity to be a part of such a legacy brands history, even if (especially if) what we create literally just sits on a shelf somewhere. That's what we are aiming for after all. Lucky for us we have all the technology needed and with help from our friends at Collina Digital we whipped up some concepts for Nolan Browning and the marketing team over at Motul.
Together we landed on - for the 800 2T - a very homogenous design that used vintage imagery of a dirt tracker, mid slide maneuver, over a metallic gradient in the companies colors, and their current logo. A nice nod to the history of the companies heritage while preserving a contemporary look.
For the 300V we went full retro. After digging through some old photography the marketing team had sent us we found images of a tall, golden metallic, 300V oil container straight out of the pages of a 70's racing rag. It screamed vintage F1 and Le Mans, manual gear boxes and emerging racing technologies. It was settled.
With the design locked away and off to print it was time to work out fragrances and wax solutions. The end goal was to smell exactly the same as the 300V and 800 2T oils do when you open the bottle. 300V, with its ESTER Core® technology, has a strong scent of fruit, almost like a well known candy found in $0.50 dispenser outside movie theaters. The 800 2T is a classic castor bean oil smell only WAY STRONGER. Of course we fortify every fragrance with a proprietary in-house blend of natural and full-synthetic fragrances to keep the smell of victory burning strong.
The Motul Candles have now gone live and are for sale around the interwebs and track events. Ask your local Motul dealer to order a case and keep your living room, kitchen, garage, ...bedroom... smelling like a podium finish. Recently we were featured in Ride Apart, one of our favorite moto publications! Huge thank you and hell yeah to those guys for picking this up and sharing. Hopefully they are enjoying the smells of winning as much as we are.